Lorraine has taught hundreds of professionals around the world about this new and exciting approach to grief psychology. Her professional articles have appeared in numerous journals and newspapers. Many of her articles can be found here.
Her work represents a departure from conventional ways in which death and grief are thought of. Her teaching and writing embodies innovative theory in practical applications about “re-membering conversations”. This relational way of thinking about grief suggests that our stories potentially transcend our physical limitations as living points of strength, resource and love.
“Remembering Practices sprang from a synthesis of my professional training as a family therapist, my professional focus with death, dying and bereavement, a strong allegiance to socially constructed and narrative practices, and my personal experiences with death.”
In addition to her writing and speaking about death, dying and grief psychology, Lorraine works at California State University San Bernardino, in the College of Education. She is both a faculty member, teaching counseling practice, and coordinates the graduate program in educational counseling and guidance. More information about the CSUSB program.
Lorraine completed her doctoral dissertation through the Taos/Tilburg PhD Program in the Social Sciences, a collaborative partnership between the Taos Institute and Tilburg University. Her topic, Folding Memories in Conversation: Remembering Practices in Bereavement Groups, is a qualitative study investigating how conversations of death and grief are affected by participation in a narratively informed support group setting.
For more information about the Taos Institute – Tilburg University PhD program and for links to Lorraine’s dissertation, visit their website.